Brought Bagel to the dog run for the first time on sun. She had lotsa fun n so did we. Played with a 5 mths weimaranar that was much bigger than she. So due to the dif in size, it was basically e weimaranar mouthing her n her on her back trying 2 mouth back. Or to try unsuccessfully to jump onto e weimaranar to mouth her back. But it was all in gd fun as she went back for more when the weimaranar went for a water break. Btw, nt sure if weimaranar is spelt correctly but it's basically e big dark grey dog tt was in house 27 n pooed on e porch when e owner went out for a few days in a formation such that when the owner drives the car in, all wheels will nicely squash all the shit. :p
O n there was also a male westie that kept sniffing Bagel's chi chi, think he might wanna hump her. Haha but Bagel wld haf none of it n lifted her leg :o n wanted to piss at his face *faintz* haha but went 2 tap her foot down la otherwise the poor westie wld haf had pee shot to his face. N oso cos dun wanna let her cultivate e habit of marking. O but e westie still followed her after tt so think he must haf rather fancied her, haha, pedophilic westie since bagel is still far underaged.
Then rite b4 we left there came a huge boxer, which was quite sad cos everybody immediately left or carried their pooches up. Haha i must say i was guilty of carrying bagel as well both abit out of fear n oso cos she got snapped at by a jap spitz, understandably, for trying 2 drink his water. But after awhile seeing that e boxer was frenly n affirmed by e owner, i let bagel down. haha n this bu zhi tian gao di hou's dog went 2 ka chiao e boxer. But, haha, e boxer was 2 tired 2 play w her so just lay there 2 pant. very frenly tho very huge, he even shared his water with bagel. N tt's nt cos bagel didn't haf her own water but this girl always like 2 go drink other dog's water. One of these days confirm kanna bitten one, sigh.
O n after e dog run trip, bathed Bagel all by myself for e 1st time so yippee :D haha but den within 2 days she's smelly again since everytime after bath n she smells nice she'd go roll in her pee. SIGH. haha so maybe gonna bathe her again on thurs if wiping doesn't help.
In addition, teaching Bagel crawl n rolloverr now. But it's progressing really slowly cos she too kan cheong alrdy. anw will keep all updated haha esp if she manages 2 crawl n roll. :D o gonna go get a trick bk 2 teach her tricks :D
Little Big Girl
2 hours ago
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