Dear santa,
If it's not too much to ask please give me a boyfriend for christmas and I promise I'll be a good doggy henceforth.
List of things I promise to stop doing...
1) Redecorating the sofa by knawing off the cloth sides
2) Fighting with my owner for my own poo and all the other doggies' poo
3) Playing with the water in my water bowl
4) Play-biting my grand-owner
5) Jamming my head straight into ppl's crotches...
6) Geez... is it that hard getting a bf for christmas!?!?!
Little Big Girl
2 hours ago
I hope your Christmas wish comes true!!
Merry Christmas Bagel!
Posh & I didn't wish for a boyfriend this Christmas. We believe that in this modern society, Girls/Women are self sufficient.
We need only our humans, and lotsa love and pat on top of food! hehs. So take this chance an embrace in the love of your humans.
Have a blessed Christmas =)
Sweet Licks,
haha yup her xmas wish did come true and I'm sure she has learnt to appreciate being the only dog in the house through this experience. :p
Hahas. I guess Sugar has probably forgotten how it felt like to be the only dog at home. Ever since Posh came, she's been punished more than ever in her life; she has never been punished ever since she outgrew puppyhood.
Anyway, you really spotted us at SKC? I mean, how did you know it was us? (Sorry, I was too busy that day with the dogs while shopping and avoiding stepping on puddles of pee and poo at the same time).
hey sugar mum, haha I could recognise the 2 of them cos visits your blog quite frequently after I got bagel :p and then it was confirmed when you and i think sugar pa? haha called their names to tell them to sit stay. I was the girl smiling and staring at your 2 dogs during the agility show :p haha your posh was soo sweet when you carried her and she just lay her head on your shoulder. haha made me wonder when my active gal will ever do that. and sugar was just soo obedient, staying in her sit stay position which mine will never do. hm n just wondering, is sugar trained by patrick as well?
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