Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A typical Bagel's Day

Morning: Beg and eat owner and grand-owners' breakfast
Eat own breakfast
Afternoon: Beg and eat owner and grand-owners' lunch
Night: Beg and eat owner and grand-owners' dinner
Eat own dinner
Ahhh what can I say... Life is GOOOD.
Tips to success...
1) Make sure they see you
2) Change position to make sure they REALLY see you
3) Give them your haven't-eaten-for-days face
4) Impress them with your good behaviour by lying down and waiting patiently
5) Show them how sad you are and what you think about them not sharing their food and being selfish
6) Show them you'd DIE trying/died from hunger
7) And when all else fails, use this ultimate sly trick that never fails. Sure to melt the toughest of heart.
O and do not forget to SPEAK with your eyes

And tada! SUCCESS!

1 comment:

Sapphire said...

too cute!

*throws Bagel something yummy*