Sunday, August 09, 2009

woohoo! 1st award!!

Yippee!!! Our 1st award ever!!! :D :D :D

hm haha hopefully this'd be the start of many :p contemplating bringing bagel back to class so as to have a shot at competing BUT there's the problem of time constraints, bagel's school fees and getting a different trainer. Her current trainer uses a choker chain, which we are comfortable with previously but now that she has calm down and behaving, am contemplating the necessity of using it on her. Furthermore, her trainer also recommends the use of an electric collar thingy for upper levels of obedience since she still gets very excited amongst dogs, and that we are truly not very comfortable with. I mean it's fine since i've tried it on myself n it doesn't hurt n all and is truly as slight as an ant's bite but it's sort of like as a last resort. And other trainers that uses treat training here doesn't seem to be very good, like many of the dogs in our neighbourhood who went through trainers who uses trick training, the dogs are not much different from being untrained. I myself do prefer treat training since that's what I used to teach Bagel tricks but can't seem to find a good and reliable trainer. :( o wells, shall wait and see then

k am lazy to update bagel's photos so shall do that in next post tata


Kess And Her Mama said...

Glad to be the first one to give you an award. Good luck with finding the right trainer. Just remember it should be fun for both you and Bagel.

Sugar the Beagle said...

Hey Bagel,

Just wondering where you are training at?


bagel said...

hey sugar, bagel was previously trained at waggies. Patrick is VERY GOOD cos don't know how I'd be able to handle Bagel had she not gone for training when she was young. But as she is still very excitable when we left, Patrick suggested the use of electric collar on her if we were to return for intermediate. I've tried the collar on myself n it's truly not painful AT ALL but still not very comfortable using it on her, esp since we've stopped using the full choker chain on her as well. She's able to listen to just firm tugs on normal collars now which I thought is rather good. Anw, still contemplating, cos dunno if can squeeze out time yet. But even though I'm not comfortable with using the remote control collar thingy, I still believe currently, he is the best trainer in singapore, hence if we decide to bring her back to training, unless we can find a better one, we'd most likely still go back to him. Btw, just wondering, did sugar and posh went on beyond basic?