Monday, March 08, 2010

She who derailed the track and got disqualified...


Sugar the Beagle said...

Hey Bagel,

Was this the event at SMU?


Life With Dogs said...

LOL! What is the competition? Spill the beans. :)

bagel said...

hey sugar nope, this was the hotdog event at fort canning park. sadly though bagel was supposed to take part in a talent competition but it got cancelled :(

and haha LWD, the competition is supposed to be survivor whereby the dogs are supposed to sit stay while various objects pass by i.e. train, food, noisy toys etc. but bagel being super excited as usual destroyed the entire track with one swipe of her tail while in a sit stay causing the train to fall off the track and the track to fall apart and the whole commotion eventually spooked her ;p

Sugar the Beagle said...

haha ... that's cute! At least Bagel tried her best to stay still ... it's a dog's nature to wag his/her tail when he/she is happy ... I guess u guys must have enjoyed yourselves ...